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Experts & Doctors Reveal Best Tips & Tricks on How You can Get Rid of Wrinkles and get Youth

Have you ever wondered how some stars tend to looking amazing throughout their career and well into the later part of their life?
I always have I tend to research the topic quite frequently. I have utilized many of the techniques to keep looking my best through out the yeas.
I woul'd love to share the info with you. If you are interested keep reading below.
4 Different Types of Wrinkles and What Causes Them
1. Atrophic Crinkling Rhytids

These wrinkles are those little parallel lines that disappear when your skin is stretched taut.

They can occur on your face, or anywhere on your body (think of those little wrinkles you may have on your chest.)

What Causes Them

These lines are a result of a loss of collagen and elasticity which leads to skin sagging.

The main culprit? Sun damage.

UV exposure unleashes free radicals in our skin that break down collagen and elastin, the building blocks that give our skin firmness and structure.

Make sure you wear daily SPF sun protection, especially on your face, neck, and chest (as well as other exposed areas)!

2. Permanent Elastic Creases

These are crease lines that end up becoming permanent wrinkles as we age.

These little guys tend to show up on our cheeks, upper lip, and the base of our necks.

What Causes Them

As with the last type, repeated sun exposure can make these lines worse.

Smoking is also a big factor in deepening these creases, like those lines you get around your lips from repeatedly pursing your mouth.

But that’s not all. Whenever you smoke, you expose the surface of your skin to all kinds of chemicals and carcinogens.

Plus, when you inhale, you inhibit your body’s ability to circulate oxygen to your skin, which it needs to heal and form healthy skin cells (one of the reasons smoking often results in a dull complexion).

Stop smoking already!

Your complexion and your body will thank you.

One stunning study looked at twins who aged differently as a result of different lifestyle habits.

In this example, Brenda (left) smokes ½ a pack per day and has had 7 times as much sun exposure as her twin counterpart, Barb (right), leaving her looking years older.

Dr. Bahman Guyuron, plastic surgeon at Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University, notes that Brenda’s wrinkles around her mouth and under her eyes are telltale signs of a smoker.

3. Dynamic Expression Lines

These fun lines are the ones I mentioned up top that you get from repeated facial muscle movements that cause creases in the skin that become more permanent.

They usually show up around the mouth, eyes, and forehead.

What Causes Them

You get these lines from basically living your life and being a human being.

They’re like a collection of little moments from every time you’ve squinted on a sunny day, laughed at an inside joke, or frowned when a character gets killed off on your favorite show.

Unless you want to become a robot and stop expressing yourself, you’re gonna get these lines and creases on your face.

Wear those lines with pride! They’re badges of honor from the experiences of a life lived!

4. Gravitational Folds

These are those wrinkles that occur naturally with age as our skin loses structure and starts to fold and sag.

What Causes Them

As the name suggests, time + gravity = gravitational folds.

You can chalk this one up to good ol’ aging.

As we get older, our skin starts to lose collagen and elastin leading to wrinkling and sagging.

Researchers found that these lines are more apparent on a lean face with thinner skin and that a plumper face with thicker skin will show less of these types of folds.

What Can I Do About Wrinkles?

One of your best bets to guard against wrinkles is to prevent rather than treat.

Don’t wait until you start seeing little lines pop up to start using anti-aging products in your skincare.

Incorporate those youth-boosting formulas now to stop wrinkles before they start!

Let’s look at some of my top tips for skincare habits that will give you smooth, youthful skin.

Not today, wrinkles!


According to, 90% of visible skin aging is caused by sun exposure and subsequent damage.

When our skin is damaged by UV exposure, free radicals age skin by causing hyperpigmentation, compromising our skin’s texture, and breaking down collagen and elastin which leads to sagging and, yes, wrinkles.

All you have to do to avoid sun aging is make sure and wear daily SPF protection!

A study published by the Annals of Internal Medicine looked at the effects of using sunscreen on the reg.

And, this does mean every day!

Even on cloudy days. Even when you’re not lying out to get a tan.

You accumulate a lot of sun exposure from doing things like driving and walking outside, and that exposure adds up.

SPF Tips

  • Use a daily moisturizer that includes broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection of at least SPF 30.

  • Apply SPF at least 15 minutes before heading outside to give it time to absorb into the skin.

  • Don’t forget your neck and chest. They benefit from skincare just as much as your face.

  • Don’t skimp! Slather on that goodness for optimal protection.

  • Reapply SPF every 1-2 hours if you’re outside for a while or sweating a lot. And, it’s always a good idea to rock a hat and sunglasses, and seek shade during peak UV hours (10:00 am – 4:00 pm).

Look for These Anti-Aging Ingredients

If you want to get some wrinkle-smoothing power out of your skincare, look for formulas that include these age-defying ingredients!

Hyaluronic Acid

Fine lines and wrinkles are made more apparent when your skin is dry or dehydrated.

Hyaluronic acid is a mega moisture humectant, which means it grabs moisture and holds it to your skin’s surface to deliver hydration.

This moisture action also helps plump skin to fill out fine lines and restore suppleness to your complexion!

Want to deliver Hyaluronic Acid directly inside your skin and treat wrinkles. Try an OxyJetPeel treatment. Its like Botox but without the pain or the needles.

Oxygen-Jet Peel treatments are highly effective in:

· Overall skin rejuvenation (hydration, oxygenation, deep cleansing and exfoliation). · Nourishing and maintaining the skins youthfulness appearance.

· Skin texture improvement (post-acne scars & general scars)

· Removal of unwanted pigmentation

· Removal of sun damage and skin discoloration (Solar Keratosis)

· Wrinkle reduction

· Removal of blackheads and other come done eruptions

· Hair Restoration

Oxygen-Jet Peel treatments are also natural, quick, effortless, safe and without any pain, discomfort or downtime.

Pavia University Research studies showed:

- Skin brightness improved 100%

- Visibility of macro-wrinkles reduced by 77.7%

- Skin softness improved by 77.7%

- Wrinkles volume decreased by 21%

- Wrinkles depth decreased by 11%

- Skin compactnes improved by 19%


The vitamin A derivative, retinol, smooths skin by gently exfoliating to lift away dead skin cells and encourage new cell turnover.

This, in turn, also encourages collagen production to firm up skin and diminish fine lines.

Pro Tip: Retinol and retinoids can make skin sensitive to sunlight, so I always recommend using it in your PM skincare routine.

It also may cause some slight skin irritation and may take a bit of time for the skin to adjust.

Make sure to consult the directions which will likely recommend that you start by using it just a couple times a week.


Remember when I mentioned that sun damage can cause free radicals to break down collagen?

Well, antioxidants are the superheroes that swoop in to defeat them.

Antioxidants work to stop free radical damage and support skin healing by encouraging cell repair and rebuilding collagen and elastin.

Believe me, you want these guys on your skincare team!


Peptides are chains of amino acids which make up the skin protein, collagen.

By helping your skin restore peptides, you’re rebuilding blocks of collagen to fortify skin and bring back its firmness.

Think of it as building a fortress to defend against wrinkles!

Eat Skin-Boosting Foods

Did you know you can help repair and nourish skin from the inside too?

Make your nosh sessions work for your complexion too by eating a balanced diet full of vitamins and antioxidant-rich yummy fruits and vegetables.

A 2007 study of women between the ages of 40-74 found that those who had a high intake of vitamin C (a natural antioxidant) had fewer wrinkles and less age-related dry skin.

Ensure you’re getting lots of nutritious whole foods so you can feed your skin!

Exercise, Sleep, Repeat

When we get stressed or overwhelmed, say when you remember that you signed up to make four dozen of your famous chocolate chip cookies for a bake sale TOMORROW, our bodies flood with cortisol.

When this happens regularly, cortisol can host an inflammation party in our bodies that breaks down collagen and elastin.

This is one of the reasons you feel like your complexion looks dull and tired when you’re super stressed.

Two great ways to neutralize cortisol are to get regular exercise and plenty of good sleep. (They don’t call it beauty rest for nothing!)

Shoot for at least 30 minutes of heart-pumping exercise 2-3 times a week and 6-8 hours of solid sleep per night.

Bonus: Exercise helps you sleep, and sleep helps you recover from exercise. It’s the ciiiirrrrccle of liiiiiiiffe!


10 Face Serums That Will Banish Fine Lines and Wrinkles

BY Janeca Racho · September 20, 2019

We can’t completely stop wrinkles and fine lines in their tracks, but with the help of face serums, we can definitely slow down their advances. These skin care MVPs can effectively enhance your skin care regimen with their versatility and variety: They can be added to moisturizers, night creams and masks to enhance potency, be used as a spot treatment or as standalone actives that target just about every skin concern.

But with all the different types and ingredients available—and all the hype that comes with new releases and cult products—it can be difficult to figure out which bottle can give your skin that much-needed rejuvenation. Hence, it’s important to understand the specific needs of your skin and how time, the environment and your lifestyle affects it.

How Wrinkles and Fine Lines Form

Fine lines and wrinkles are all part of the natural aging process as skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic with age, says board-certified dermatologist Rhonda Klein. As early as your mid- to late-twenties, the production of the proteins collagen and elastin—the building blocks of healthy skin—slows down. Because they are being broken down faster than new ones are produced, it triggers the aging process that results in a dull complexion, sagging skin and folds and creases.

External or environmental factors also play a role. Pollution, UV radiation and certain lifestyle habits like smoking all accelerate and contribute to the degradation of your skin’s healthy cells and connective tissues, with some parts getting thicker and other thinner, adds scientist, author and skin care expert Dr. Hannah Sivak. “At the molecular level, there are many changes in protein structures. Some proteins are being broken down and replaced with others that are different in amino acid sequence and physical behavior,” explains Sivak.

How Serums Help

Unlike creams and lotions, serums are also able to go deeper into the skin’s layers, says Heather Bennett, esthetician at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center. “Anti-wrinkle serums are more liquid than solid and therefore are able to penetrate multiple layers of skin more quickly and easily. The major benefits of serums are that they offer the most lightweight formula and give the most intensive results,” adds Bennett.

“Anti-aging serums and creams can help reduce environmental toxins, build collagen and elastin and smooth fine lines and wrinkles,” adds Dr. Klein. But aside from reversing the changes caused by aging, serums can also help prevent premature wrinkles and fine lines from developing, says Dr. Sivak. “There are many ingredients that can prevent oxidation and modification of cellular components, including the very important DNA mutations caused by UV radiation,” Dr. Sivak explains. “Other ingredients can prevent lipid oxidation, preserving cellular integrity.”

What Ingredients to Look For

Identifying your skin’s specific needs is the best way to choose an anti-aging serum. Below is a rundown of the best anti-aging serum ingredients that will plump up your skin, boost its defenses against environmental aggressors and keep those dreaded signs of aging at bay.

  • Vitamin C—Known for its essential role in boosting collagen synthesis, vitamin C—in higher, unbuffered concentrations—can also work as an effective exfoliator and renew the topmost layers of the skin, leaving you with a brighter complexion, says Dr. Sivak. It’s also a potent antioxidant, adds Dr. Klein. “[Vitamin C] can help reduce skin damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing fine lines and wrinkles and improving texture,” she explains.

  • Hyaluronic Acid—As a potent humectant or moisture-binding ingredient, hyaluronic acid helps the skin retain moisture and induces collagen remodeling, leading to plump, hydrated skin, says Dr. Klein.

  • Peptides—A high concentration of peptides in a serum will help stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin, explains Dr. Klein. This results in the skin’s increased strength and elasticity, encourages skin healing and remodeling and smooths away fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Epidermal Growth Factor—Epidermal growth factor is a molecular chain of amino acids that aids in healing and wound recovery. It works by stimulating tissue repair and cell growth at a cellular level as well as encouraging the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, explains Dr. Klein.

  • Stem Cell—While stem cells can’t actually regenerate your skin or magically erase wrinkles, they do contain powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, says Dr. Klein. “This helps protect your skin against sun damage, prevent wrinkles and induce collagen synthesis,” she adds.

  • Retinol/Vitamin A—“Retinoids bind to nuclear receptors and modify gene expression,” says Dr. Sivak. They are considered the rockstars of anti-aging skin care because of their ability to “minimize the appearance of wrinkles, bolster skin’s thickness and elasticity and slow the breakdown of collagen,” adds Dr. Klein. They also help in lightening brown spots or pigmentation caused by sun exposure.

  • AHAs—Alpha hydroxy acids like glycolic and lactic acids are primarily used as exfoliants but can also “promote collagen synthesis, correct discoloration and improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles,” explains Dr. Klein. They are also effective acne treatments and can help improve product absorption.

  • Vitamin E—This lipid-soluble antioxidant helps “protect cellular membranes from the damage done by free radicals, breaking the chain reactions initiated by them,” explains Dr. Sivak. It’s one of the most hardworking skin care ingredients, aiding in the prevention of photodamage, reduction of scars and plumping up the skin to diminish fine lines and wrinkles, adds Dr. Klein.

  • Niacinamide/Vitamin B3—This potent anti-aging ingredient can “visibly improve the appearance of enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, fine lines and dullness,” says Dr. Klein. “It may even reduce the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancers in high-risk patients.”

  • Soy Isoflavones—According to Dr. Sivak, these phytoestrogens “can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles caused by a decrease in hormone concentration during menopause.”

  • Resveratrol—Found in the skin of red grapes (and red wine!), resveratrol is “a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress and irritation,” says Dr. Sivak. In high concentrations, it can help improve the skin’s elasticity, radiance and firmness.


Best Anti-Aging Serums

Say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles and give your daily skin care regimen a boost with our top recommended anti-aging serums, below.

There’s a reason this serum has been getting hundreds of five-star reviews on Dermstore! Aside from vitamin E and ferulic acid, this antioxidant powerhouse also contains 15-percent pure l-ascorbic acid or vitamin C, making it truly worthy of its holy grail status. With a super-concentrated formula that’s effective for up to 72 hours, this serum enhances the skin’s defenses against oxidative stress and UV rays, smoothens lines and wrinkles and improves firmness and complexion.

When it comes to restoring your skin’s youthful glory, this serum is definitely not holding back. Featuring a dual-action formula that combines peptides, amino acids and antioxidants, it reduces inflammation, lifts and firms sagging skin and refines wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Thank your stars if you’ve won the genetic lottery and have never spent a day in your life worrying about dryness or breakouts. Whether you were born with good genes or not, clear and radiant skin is within reach with this gentle serum featuring five-percent purified-grade lactic acid that works to clear skin and enhance collagen production. It also contains licorice, lemongrass and aloe, which reduce hyperpigmentation, boost radiance and soothe and refresh your complexion.

Featuring salicylic acid and herbal extracts, this multitasking serum works hard in providing anti-aging, anti-acne and brightening benefits by reducing hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, redness and inflammation.

We all know the importance of beauty rest if you want to maintain a healthy complexion. Infused with caffeine, vitamin E, squalene oil and probiotics, this anti-aging treatment takes advantage of your skin’s natural nighttime renewal process using the brand’s trademarked ChronoluxCB™ Technology that diminishes the most common signs of aging.

Specially formulated to penetrate deep into your skin, this serum features L-ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, to effectively shield skin from sun damage, brighten hyperpigmentation and stimulate growth of collagen and elastin fibers. It’s also infused with hyaluronic acid to keep skin plump and hydrated.

Sagging skin and loss of firmness are some of the most noticeable signs of skin aging, but they can easily be prevented with this botanically powered serum. Hyaluronic acid plumps up sagging facial contours and boost your skin’s hydration, while salicylic acid from strawberry gently removes debris from your pores to prevent breakouts and even out your complexion. It also features a potent BioComplex that includes antioxidant boosters and coenzyme Q10 and extracts from rhubarb, aloe vera and honey that address fine lines and wrinkles and soothe and refresh skin.

This ultra-moisturizing face serum may be just the game-changer your skin is looking for. With its potent skin-perfecting formula that blends ceramides, niacinamide and a proprietary hyaluronic acid complex, it repairs and strengthens the skin’s natural barrier, plumps away fine lines and delivers up to 24 hours of hydration.

Pollution and sun damage are two of the top causes of premature skin aging, so it’s wise to keep this skin-renewing serum in your arsenal. Powered by potent antioxidants like vitamin E, resveratrol, green tea and tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate (a more stable form of vitamin C), it improves the appearance of wrinkles and crepey skin, encourages cell repair and shields your skin against free radical damage.

This brightening serum does more than restore your skin’s radiance and fade discoloration. Featuring a skin-rejuvenating blend of organic fruit juices, potent peptides, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and AHAs and BHAs, this wrinkle-fighting serum helps refine the appearance of fine lines and creases, firm and improve texture and protect your skin from pollution and other environmental aggressors.

7 Everyday Habits That Cause Wrinkles

By now we all know smoking and sun are both prime causes… but what about these unexpected sources of wrinkles? I truly thought that daily SPF protection and avoiding cigarettes were enough to keep my eyes free of crow’s feet and fine lines. Silly me. It turns out there’s a whole host of surprising aging culprits. Here are seven everyday habits that you would never guess can age your skin.

Chewing Gum

That’s right; time to start packing good old-fashioned mints on your date nights. Dermatologists have been noticing that avid gum chewers develop a certain pattern of wrinkles around their mouths. They suspect that the repetitive motion of chewing may break down supportive tissue, thus resulting in weakened skin elasticity.


We’ll start by saying we think running is awesome and we want you to keep running. In fact, moderate exercise (at 40-60% of your maximum heart rate) three to five days a week will actually rejuvenate skin. However, one study found that very strenuous exercise (at 70-80% of your maximum heart rate) practiced for 90 minutes or longer can lead to detrimental cell damage.

We wouldn’t dare suggest you skip a marathon for looks’ sake. However, to protect yourself from the elements and reduce free-radical damage, be sure to use SPF. Also consider supplementing your training diet with free-radical-fighting vitamins like Turn Back Time.

Passing on Sunglasses

If, like me, you thought sunglasses were a frivolous accessory just for show, think again. As it turns out, squinting in the sun isn’t just an unflattering short-term look; it also results in long-term wrinkles around the eyes. To best protect yourself from premature crow’s feet, opt for sunglasses with UV filters and plastic frames. Metal frames can reflect sunlight onto your cheeks and exacerbate the problem.

Your Sweet Tooth

Let us count all the awful ways sugar ruins your face. It increases oil production, gives you dark circles, makes you break out, and breaks down collagen. The good news is cutting out sugar can yield almost instant results with perkier skin in only 72 hours of a sugar detox. For optimum results, recover your skin’s elasticity and firmness with our Collagen Love supplement.

Sleeping On Your Side

So much for beauty sleep. Last year, a study found that regularly pressing your face up against a pillow when sleeping on your side or stomach can eventually lead to sleep wrinkles. These wrinkles either exaggerate facial expression lines or create new vertical lines on the forehead, lips, and cheeks. As best as you can, try sleeping on your back to avoid wrinkles. As a bonus, your supported spine will help you stand taller.

Happy Hour

We all know that dehydration from drinking alcohol will leave you with a nasty hangover. But remember that your skin gets massively dehydrated from imbibing, too. Nutritionists recommend sticking to vodka, tequila, or gin, which clear out of your system faster. Also, sipping water in between alcoholic beverages keeps skin more hydrated.

Staring at Computer Screens

Ever seen someone in deep concentration? It tends to look a lot like frowning. For this reason, people with who spend most of their week working on computers are much more likely to get lines around their mouth. If you’re on a laptop (or phone) looking down all day, the problem travel south to your neck. Elevate your screen to eye level. Also, to really catch yourself in the act, try placing a mirror next to your screen.


What Is Collagen? Health Benefits, Food Sources, Supplements, Types, and More

  • Causes of Collagen Loss

  • What Is in Collagen

  • Collagen Benefits

  • How to Rebuild Collagen

  • Collagen Types

  • Collagen Sources

  • Collagen Side Effects

  • Dermatologist Discussion Guide

  • FAQs

  • Resources

By Jessica Migala

Medically Reviewed by Ross Radusky, MD

Collagen is responsible for your skin's structure, elasticity, texture, strength, and resilience.

Collagen is one of the latest buzzwords in health. It’s hard to escape a grocery store without seeing tubs of powdered collagen or browse in a drugstore without noticing creams that claim they’ll boost collagen to keep you looking young for decades to come.

But how important is it for your health, really?

Here’s a look at this popular protein and a scientific analysis of whether a collagen boost is worth the investment.

What Is Collagen Exactly?

You probably think about collagen in your skin because the word comes up whenever anyone is talking about skin aging. It’s true that this protein plays a role in the perceived youthfulness of your skin, but there’s more to it. “Collagen is a protein and is one of the main building blocks of our skin. It’s also found in our bones, tendons, and ligaments,” says Deanne Robinson, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Modern Dermatology in Westport, Connecticut.

Time for a fun fact: Collagen makes up 75 percent of skin’s support structure. (1) “Think of collagen as the frame of your mattress; it gives [your skin] structure and support,” says Joshua Zeichner, MD, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. To continue with the mattress analogy, the springs are elastic fibers and the stuffing is hyaluronic acid, he says.

Which Factors Contribute to the Loss of Collagen in the Skin?

Unfortunately, collagen starts to degrade with age, and your genetics can affect how fast that degradation happens. “We lose collagen year after year, and make lower quality collagen,” says Dr. Robinson. Free radicals damage collagen — “they are our skin’s enemy,” adds Dr. Zeichner. Environmental factors (like UV rays or pollution), bad lifestyle habits (smoking), and a poor diet (for example one high in sugar) all create free radical formation, which speeds collagen breakdown.

Let’s hit on smoking for a moment. One of the best things you can do for your skin is never smoke — or quit smoking if you do. “Research suggests that smoking allows free radicals to attack collagen fibrils, rendering them weak and of poor quality. It’s not surprising, therefore, that the skin of a smoker tends to look damaged and wrinkled, particularly around the mouth,” says Cyndi Yag-Howard, MD, the CEO and president of Yag-Howard Dermatology Center in Naples, Florida.

What’s in Collagen? A Look at the Structure of This Essential Protein

Collagen is made up of three amino acids: glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. (2) “The collagen molecule is shaped like a triple helix (triple spiral) that combines with other collagen molecules in the skin to form a mesh-like network in the dermis, which is the layer of skin beneath the epidermis and above the subcutaneous fat,” says Dr. Yag-Howard.

What Are the Benefits of Collagen for Your Body?

The protein has a big job in the body. “Collagen gives body tissues structure, toughness, rigidity, and texture. In the skin, it’s akin to a layer of leather. And when it intermingles with elastic fibers, it gives skin strength and resilience,” says Yag-Howard.

When collagen begins to degrade in skin and levels drop in the body, you may notice wrinkles, stiffer tendons and ligaments, weaker muscles, joint pain, and even GI problems, according to the Cleveland Clinic. (3) It’s clear that collagen is vital for the health of every system in your body.

5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Increase Collagen Production

Here’s a not-so-great reality: “Every year after 30, we lose collagen, and our ability to produce high-quality collagen can diminish,” says Robinson. She recommends using topicals that enhance collagen production to help replenish collagen stores. One is retinoids or retinols, often formulated in anti-aging creams and serums. Research in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology in March 2016 found that retinoic acid and retinol stimulate collagen synthesis in the skin. (4) Zeichner adds that applying products containing alpha hydroxy acids, like glycolic acid, and peptides can trigger collagen formation.

There are several treatments, performed in-office at the dermatologist, that help increase collagen. “Studies prove that a variety of procedures are able to increase collagen production and improve the appearance of skin,” says Yag-Howard. These include microdermabrasion such as JetPeel, lasers, radiofrequency, ultrasound, microneedling, and fillers, she says.

You’re also best served by maintaining a healthy diet. Protein-rich foods will supply the amino acids your body needs to produce collagen. It also gets some help from other nutrients, like vitamin C, zinc, and copper, according to the Cleveland Clinic. (3) To maximize collagen production, eat a varied diet filled with whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lean meats, seafood, and nuts. And yes, that sounds like the healthy eating advice you’ve long heard.

Finally, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. “This is the best way to ensure healthy collagen,” says Zeichner. “Make sure to wear it every day, as even incidental sunlight exposure adds up over a lifetime,” he says. Your first line of defense is to protect the collagen you have, rather than trying to make up for bad sun protection habits later. (5)

Practice self-care with skin massage. There’s a small amount of data suggesting that regular skin massage may help encourage the formation of procollagen-1 and enhance the benefits of anti-aging creams. (6)

What Are the Different Types of Collagen?

According to one reference, there are 28 types of collagen. (7) Yet resources note that types I, II, and III are the most abundant collagens in the body, and these are the collagens you’ll find touted in product marketing. (2) Because that’s a long list of collagen types, we’ll cover the three most prominent ones and where they’re found in the body.

Type I The major collagen found in the skin. Also found in tendons, bones, ligaments, teeth, and certain connective tissues. (2)

Type II Makes up cartilage and is found in the eyes. (2)

Type III This type of collagen also makes up skin, as well as muscles and blood vessels. (2)

How Can You Get More Collagen?

There’s no shortage of companies trying to get your attention about getting more collagen — either topically or via a supplement or food. Here’s what you need to know about each.

Collagen powders and capsules These have been trendy lately as an addition to coffee and smoothies. There is some evidence, published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, that oral collagen supplements, including the type of collagen that’s often found in powders, are “promising” when it comes to lessening the appearance of aging. (1) That said, Robinson offers some perspective: “Collagen powder is a protein, and when we ingest it, our body digests it the same as any other source of protein, like chicken or fish. Collagen powder won’t go directly to the skin and plump it,” she says.

Collagen creams and oils Pro-collagen creams on the market claim to lessen the signs of aging by smoothing wrinkles. These contain synthetic collagen that locks moisture into skin, producing a plumping effect. (3) But there’s a lack of research on how to best incorporate collagen into topical treatments. (8)

Liquid Some people choose to drink bone broth, which is packed with collagen from animal bones. (3) While it may be a dietary source of collagen, drinking it has not been proved to have anti-aging benefits for your skin, according to Harvard Women’s Health Watch. (9)

What Are Some Collagen Side Effects and Risks to Be Aware Of?

In general, there aren’t inherent risks associated with collagen — it’s such an important component of a healthy body. But if you’re taking collagen supplements, know that dietary supplements do not need to be proved safe before they're sold. (10) If you’re interested in taking a collagen supplement, do your homework, and work with your healthcare team to choose a high-quality supplement from a trusted brand. It’s also worth noting that the source of the collagen matters. If you are allergic to eggs or fish, for example, you are at risk for a serious reaction to collagen derived from those foods.

How to Talk to Your Dermatologist About Collagen

If you’re interested in improving your skin’s collagen production, it’s important to ask about your options (topicals, in-office treatments), costs, potential pain, any associated downtime, and potential risks. Also inquire about both short- and long-term benefits and low long the effects are designed to last. (5)

5 FAQs and Answers on Collagen

Q: What is the purpose of collagen?

A: Collagen is a protein that gives structure to skin, joints, and bones.

Q: What is collagen made of?

A: Collagen is made up of three amino acids: glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.

Q: What foods are high in collagen?

A: Protein-rich foods, like meat, eggs, fish and seafood, beans, and dairy will all supply your body with a range of amino acids needed to make collagen. Bone broth and gelatin are other foods that are collagen-rich.

Q: What is the difference between collagen and gelatin?

A: When collagen is heated, it breaks down to form gelatin.

Q: What are collagen peptides?

A: Collagen peptides are collagen molecules that are broken down, making them more easily digested and absorbed by the body. Collagen peptides readily dissolve in liquids, if you’re choosing to drink your collagen.

A Final Word on the Function of Collagen in the Body

Collagen is a protein that’s found throughout the body, particularly in skin, bones, ligaments and tendons, teeth, and connective tissues. A healthy, well-rounded diet that includes enough protein, good sunscreen habits, and topicals and other dermatologic procedures can ensure your body gets and produces what it needs to feel great and lessen the appearance of aging.

Our Favorite Resources for Learning More About Collagen

Interested in learning more? Here are five places to start.

The edible-beauty blog was founded by Sally Olivia Kim, the author of The Collagen Glow: A

Guide to Ingestible Skincare.

This book, by Pamela Schoenfeld, RD, details how collagen may fit into a diet that supports the treatment of a variety of health conditions, as well as the nutrients you need to encourage collagen production.

Kellyann Petrucci, ND, is a bone broth and collagen guru and the author of The Bone Broth Diet. Dr. Kellyann takes a deep dive into the health-promoting properties of bone broth, which is one way to get more collagen into your diet.

Yes, it’s the website run by a company that makes collagen peptide powders and other collagen-infused products (like water). But if you can get past the product plugs, it does offer a great wing of its blog dedicated to the basics of collagen.

A no-fuss site that includes basic questions on collagen and whether different types (drops, supplements) work for certain health conditions (eye floaters, joint pain, arthritis).

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